About Us

Welcome to Our Village where you’ll find a community focused on natural healing.

Our blends are handcrafted utilizing the purest essential oils. We practice responsible sourcing in order to maintain quality and purity. We obtain our raw ingredients from manufacturer’s who are committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing with a primary focus on organic agriculture and wild-harvested botanicals. We work with manufacturers who place value on restoration initiatives, local community involvement and fair labor practices.

When you purchase our blends, you can be assured you are using the highest quality, sustainably sourced essential oils. Good for your body and good for our planet.


Our Village began years ago under a different name. Pam, our Managing Director, began utilizing essential oils in her holistic coaching practice. She studied aromatherapy and spent several years researching essential oils and their uses in medicine. She created customized blends for her family, coaching clients, neighbors and members of her community. She called them Enchanted Essentials. Each bottle contained a great deal of love and just a bit of magic! 


As an aromatherapist, Pam created blends that helped her clients find relief from a variety of health issues. From seasonal allergies and sinus infections to micro tears in ligaments. Her clients found relief and healed faster utilizing ingredients from nature’s medicine chest. Pure essential oils very rarely have side effects and work well in conjunction with conventional medicine. Pain relief and reducing inflammation are especially important for people with chronic conditions such as Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Our Achy Joints blend packs a real punch to both pain and inflammation and is one of our best-selling blends. We also have a custom blend that’s specially formulated for all stages of Spinal Stenosis.

Several years ago, Pam closed down The Enchanted Kitchen to focus more on her family, although she continued to blend products for her large client base. Recently, Pam, her son and his friend decided to bring back the essential oil part of her former business. Nick and Paul rebranded the company to reflect its community-based roots and the reasons Pam created these blends in the first place. They were created with love for friends and family - her community. We are happy to introduce you to Our Village Blends. Because we all know after all, it does take a village and we hope you’ll become part of ours.