Essential Oil Information

Essential oils are considered to be generally safe for all. However, if you are pregnant or nursing or on prescribed medications it is advised that you check with your physician before using.

Essential oils should be stored in a cool location away from direct heat or sunlight. Essential oils have a long shelf life if stored properly. Some oils are more viscous and separation may occur. Shake gently to remix the oils before using.

Essential oils should not be taken orally unless specifically noted. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil or lotion. Essential oils are extremely powerful medicine and their power is controlled through dilution. Professional Aromatherapists are trained to know the proper dilutions for individual oils. 

Keep oils away from the eyes. Should you get an essential oil in the eye - do not rinse with water, instead, dip a cotton swab in coconut oil or olive oil and place it in the corner of your eye. The oil on the cotton swab will attract the essential oil, drawing it out of the eye.

Although skin irritations due to essential oil use are rare, should one experience a skin rash, discontinue use immediately and wash affected areas with warm soapy water and pat dry gently.

When using essential oils it is important to use a carrier oil to help the essential oil penetrate your skin more easily. The carrier oil will also assist the essential oil with getting deeper into the body’s cells. Our Village uses high-quality, organic, coconut oil in its blends. This is often referred to as fractionated coconut oil. 

We recommend applying a thin layer of body lotion to the areas you have rolled with

essential oils. The body lotion (unscented is best) will help drive the oils deeper for faster healing. For particularly painful injuries such as sprains, fractures, or breaks - we recommend using Arnicare by Boiron for an additional layer of pain relief. It is a very soothing cream that works well with Our Village products. This product is available at most local supermarkets and pharmacies. 

Injuries really like ice. It feels good. It numbs the pain and stops the swelling. Applying ice immediately following an injury is highly recommended. Roll the area with your Our Village blend and then apply ice for the first hour or two, ice is your go-to. However, after the initial trauma and a few hours of ice, it’s time to draw blood flow back to the area to promote healing. It is recommended that after the first couple of hours, one alternates heat and ice. Twenty minutes of ice, then twenty minutes of heat. After the first 24 hours, heat is a better choice than ice. Continue rolling the affected areas with your essential oil blend before applying heat.

We recommend rolling your injury at least twice a day - morning and night and applying heat at night. The first few days after the injury, we suggest rolling several times during the day as well as in the morning and at night.