
I  have  been physically active all my life, however, a few years ago I was afflicted with painful arthritis in both knees. I was not interested in joint replacement and I placed little faith in alternative remedies until by good fortune I found out about Our Village Blends. Their arthritis blend, Achy Joints, changed everything for me. The regular application of this magic oil makes it possible for me to get the exercise I need to maintain the strength in my legs and continue my active life without pain or surgery. 

Henry D.

Concord, MA

I want to thank you for your amazing product, Sprains and Strains. It was a game changer for me when I suffered a sprained ankle playing soccer. Without this product I would have had to take it really slow for a few weeks. Instead I was back to my regular exercise routine in no time at all! I love this blend!

Laura O

Groton, MA

A few months ago I injured my knee - a micro-tear (grade 1) in my anterior ACL. The pain was excruciating and I could barely manage to get around with crutches. It was considered non-surgical and just rest and physical therapy. It was too painful to do the PT exercises and without them I was just getting worse. I decided to try something different and a friend encouraged me to give essential oils a try and she recommended a product called Athlete’s Friend by Our Village Blends. I was super skeptical that this little brown bottle contained anything that was going to help me. Boy was I wrong. Literally within 48 hours my pain was almost gone and I could move and bend my knee without pain. I was able to start back to physical therapy and build up the strength in my legs to support the injured ligament. In the beginning, I was using the oil three or four times a day, now I just need it when I over do! I am blown away by the effectiveness of this stuff. Who knew plants could be so powerful.

Sue D

Carlisle, MA

I have a love/hate relationship with Spring and Fall. I love Spring, I hate pollen, I love Fall, I hate ragweed. I spend so much time congested, sniffling and sneezing and having people steer clear of me thinking I’m ill. I’ve tried all the over the counter remedies, prescription remedies and even eating local honey to desensitize myself. Nothing works well. I’m tired of being in a benadryl haze all the time. A few weeks ago, a woman came into the store where I work and heard me sniffling and sneezing. She said, “Allergies?” I nodded my head. She pulled this little, white, plastic tube out of her purse and waved it under my nose a few times and told me to breathe deeply. I did and told her it smelled nice but also kind of looked at her like she was a nutjob. She told me it was a special essential oil blend that works well for seasonal allergies, chemical sensitivities and asthma. She left to finish her shopping. About 20 minutes later she stopped back at my counter and asked how I felt. It was only then that I realized my symptoms were gone. I was shocked. I hadn’t even noticed that my symptoms completely disappeared. I asked her what it was called and where could I buy it. She told me it’s called Allergy Assist by Our Village Blends. I ordered one for me and one for my boyfriend who also has asthma. It helped him immensely - he used to carry his inhaler with him everywhere. Now he just carries Allergy Assist. As for me… I can’t wait to test this out come Ragweed season!

Dory M.

Bedford, MA

I love my little brother, I really do. However, two weeks before my senior prom he thought he was being funny and he head butted me - smashing his little head into my nose. I ended up with two huge shiners. I was devastated and so angry with him - especially when he said that at least my navy blue dress matched my bruises. A friend of my mom’s gave her this little brown bottle and told her to have me rub it on the bruises at least two or three times a day. I was stunned when the next day the bruises started to turn yellow and within a few days the bruises were gone. It was crazy - the area closest to my eye where I couldn’t put any oil was still bluish purple almost a week later. I love this little bottle called Bruised! It saved my senior prom!


Lowell, MA